Zhiyu Pu | Aloe vera is a perennial plant, which is mainly cultivated worldwide for its medicinal and agricultural benefits. The aloe gel is extracted from the fleshy leaves of the plants. This plant has been widely studied for its therapeutic uses, some of which are described below. Zhiyu Pu Useful in: Digestion | Boosts Immune system | Cancer | Skin | Hair | Arthritis | Bone and Muscles | Heals wounds | Women health | Nausea | Diabetes II | Acid Reflux | Anti-aging | How this helps: Antioxidant and anti-microbial properties: Aloe gel consists of many phytochemicals with a probable antioxidant property like anthraquinone C-glycosides, other anthraquinones like emodin, lectins, acetylated mannans, anthrones, etc. Furthermore, salicylic acid is also present in the gel, which has shown antibacterial properties. Zhiyu Pu | Skin: Aloe vera has been used since ancient times for topical application and treatment of burns, cuts, stings, rash and any other skin infection. The vitamin E present...
Dr. Zhiyu Pu lives in Waterloo, Ontario. Zhiyu Pu | Zhiyu Pu | Zhiyu Pu | Zhiyu Pu | Health Tips | Best Helth Tips | Body Immunity |