Zhiyu Pu | Sleep and sleep-related habits are frequently scrutinised in the media, with statistics highlighting how important quality sleep is, and how few of us seem to be getting it. 90% adults report not getting enough sleep and 25% struggle with Sunday night insomnia. Sleep-related issues cost UK businesses £40 billion each year, or 200,000 days’ productivity, due to absenteeism, accidents and poor performance. Zhiyu Pu Zhiyu Pu – Let’s look at some ways to plan for a good night’s sleep; Consistency’s important. Aim to have a regular time to get up, finish work and go to bed. Prepare ahead for the coming day by making your packed lunch, putting petrol in the car, having your paperwork ready to go. Use lists so you’re organised and feel more in control. Plan your clothes or adopt a uniform outfit or colour. Be proactive and deal with any stressors, then park them until further input’s required. Try to avoid replaying situations in your mind. Be disciplined and calm your ‘fight...
Dr. Zhiyu Pu lives in Waterloo, Ontario. Zhiyu Pu | Zhiyu Pu | Zhiyu Pu | Zhiyu Pu | Health Tips | Best Helth Tips | Body Immunity |