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Showing posts with the label Zhiyu Pu

Zhiyu Pu | Weight Loss Fundamentals

  Zhiyu Pu | After a recent visit to a few different weight loss forums I have become concerned. Is there a new trend in people moving away from weight loss fundamentals? In some of the forums I visited people posted all kinds of different links to websites that had exercise videos. They posted comments like “The videos really show you how to do the different exercises!”. So what’s wrong with this picture? Zhiyu Pu 1.  Imagine how much time it takes to surf the web and find a quality fitness website. Now multiply that time by the number of people posting on weight loss forums. All this time was spent siting in front of a computer inactive. If they used that same amount of time to briskly walk, chances are they would have lost weight. Don’t get me wrong, these are very intelligent people, but they’re getting away from the fundamentals. 2.  I have personally lost a lot of weight. Losing weight is hard, but it’s not complicated. There are a million simplistic exercises that don’t require

Zhiyu Pu | Health Benefits of Drinking Banana Juice

  Zhiyu Pu – Most of the individuals believe that bananas are an energy booster fruit. It offers a lot more than just the calories you consume. The banana supplies a wide range of nutrients, which everybody needs for a healthy physique. These are a few noticeable health benefits of drinking banana juice, which make it a healthy fruit for everyone. Zhiyu Pu A great source of essential vitamins:   Zhiyu Pu Bananas are renowned for supplying an ample quantity of essential vitamins, which include vitamin C, B3, B5, and vitamin B6. These vitamins are quite beneficial for the immune system. The regular intake of banana juice improves immunity and also aids the nervous system. Better digestion:   Zhiyu Pu You will never suffer with digestion related health issues, if you consume banana juice on a daily basis. The bananas are rich in fiber and fiber is considered quite beneficial for digesting food. It improves the movement of the consumed meals in the alimentary canal. All the meal you consum

Zhiyu Pu | Healthy Mind In A Healthy Body

  Zhiyu Pu |   Healthy Mind Healthy Body I want to always remind you that we are Spirit, Soul and Body, and we can only enjoy holistic health when all three areas are given attention. We need to be nourishing our Spirit, Soul (Mind) and Body to cope with much stress and anxiety that life bring. Having and maintaining a healthy sound mind in a healthy body, will help you to unwind after a long day, and allow you to regain your focus, and enable you to develop an overall health and well being. Zhiyu Pu Self Care For A Healthy Mind | Zhiyu Pu Self-care is just as it says, taking care of yourself. It is not just about getting a massage. It is any action you take to preserve and improve your health, well-being, happiness, peace of mind and a fulfilled life. I want to emphasize something very important many self-conscious persons don’t seem to be aware of. Self-care is not for fools. Self-care is not for the weak. It is not a luxury, and it is not self-centered. When you don’t take care of y

Zhiyu Pu | Six Quick Tips to Reduce Stress

  Zhiyu Pu | There are so many causes of stress these days. It can often creep up on us without noticing or it can be a major bout due to perhaps an unpleasant event. Whatever does cause us stress, it is important that we try to get on top of it and take action to reduce it. There are all sort of ways and methods aimed at managing and reducing stress that alone can make your head spin – but what to do first? Zhiyu Pu Here are six quick tips which may help to reduce and manage your own stress levels. I hope you find them interesting and useful. Tip 1: Aromatherapy | Zhiyu Pu Smelling nice things helps to make us feel good – nice fresh air, freshly baked bread and similar. And nice smells can help us to relax and reduce stress. Particularly some aromatherapy involving Lavender essential oil. It’s easy to do too – pick up some Lavender oil and put it in to a diffuser in the room – straight away you the calming influence of gentle aromatherapy. All sorts of other essential oils to try too