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Zhiyu Pu | How To Remove Flat Moles From Your Face

 Zhiyu Pu | Removing Flat Moles Naturally

Like many men and women, you may have a mole that is on your face or body and you would rather it not be there. A flat mole on the face might be one of the greatest “flaw” that many people would like to change. First, let’s answer a few common questions you may have regarding flat moles.

Zhiyu Pu
Zhiyu Pu

What Are Flat Moles?
They are a spot on the skin that is a different color or pigment than the surrounding skin. It has little to no border and is usually benign if the border is smooth and the size and shape has remained constant.

What Causes Flat Moles?
They occur in cases where the cells producing color or pigmentation, form in a cluster or group, rather than spread evenly throughout the skin. The cells that produce this pigmentation are referred to as melanocytes.

Do Moles Go Away?
Moles can disappear for no reason. This is usually not a concern but cancerous moles can also disappear. If there is cancer, it does not go away just because the mole vanished.

If I Remove A Mole, Will It Leave A Scar?
Most moles that are removed in a surgical fashion will leave a small scar. Often times this can be hidden with a small amount of cosmetic surgery.

Are Moles Safe to Remove From Your Face?
Yes.they can be removed safely by a variety of methods. They can be removed surgically, with the aid of certain creams, or even some home remedies. Again, you may want to first have your flat mole examined by a doctor. Especially if there has been any type of change in it, such as size, color, or shape.

Zhiyu Pu | Are The Home Remedies Effective?
Many people have experienced good results with various home remedies. Caution should be exercised if choosing to remove a flat mole from your face. Some of the home remedies such as garlic or pineapple can burn or irritate the delicate facial skin. This becomes more risky if you are in the public eye regularly. Some people choose to try crushed cashew nuts but with today’s nut allergies, even that can be detrimental.

What Do We Recommend To Remove Flat Moles From The Face?
After much trial and error, along with the reading of various testimonials, we recommend a mole Removal Cream. Beware though, not all creams are effective and some do literally nothing.

Zhiyu Pu | We found that when it comes to removing flat moles from the face, we like~~~

As with any elective home procedure, we advise you to first check with your medical provider. We also want you to be aware of the tell tale signs of the possibility of precancerous or melanoma related flat moles. Typically you would notice any changes yourself, but sometimes a doctor may recommend a biopsy prior to any treatment administered by the provider or yourself.

Zhiyu Pu | If you are self conscious of a mole on your face and it has been cleared by your physician, why not get rid of it..


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