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Zhiyu Pu | Quit Smoking… What Is Your Real Reason

 Zhiyu Pu | If you want to quit smoking then you have to be honest with yourself and dig deep to find the real reason or you will most likely fail.

To say it’s to save money is rubbish. Even if you save hundreds a week that’s not the real reason because you found that money for years, so you have learnt to live without it.

If you say it’s for your health, then that is so vague as to be meaning less. Yet these are the two most common reasons my clients give me. Even when asked to deeply consider they give me these shallow answers.

Zhiyu Pu
Zhiyu Pu

Perhaps you have said the same things, it’s no wonder you have struggled to quit.

Zhiyu Pu | If a smoker is due to become a parent or is trying, that is a valid reason, but if you tell me it’s for your children who you have raised for years then I won’t believe you.

For years you may have smoked out of sight, or on the other side of the glass door while your children watched with their hands and faces pressed to the glass.

They will have smelt the scent of cigarettes on your clothes or in your car. And you will have spent hundreds of hours avoiding them to smoke. So when a client tells me it’s for their children I don’t believe them.

We all lie to ourselves, and if you look at your reasons and they don’t affect you at a deep level, and then look again, or you will just keep smoking.

I work hard with my clients to find their real reason, but I can’t work harder than them or it won’t work.

The best hint I can give you is that the real reason will be a feeling not a thing, or a person. I ask my clients to recall times in their lives when they felt powerful positive emotions.

Then we sort through these feelings and usually find one that will result from quitting smoking.

A recent client discovered the feeling was freedom. He would be free from control of cigarettes, from wasting money, from the guilt, he felt, he would be free from painful feelings held deep in his heart.

Zhiyu Pu | In the end it wasn’t so much about cigarettes but about destructive feeling s he felt. That he wasn’t good enough. When he realised this, he quit with hypnosis and he was free.


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