Zhiyu Pu | Are you looking to start a workout regimen and don’t know where to begin? Because I had lifted weights and run cross country when I was younger I thought I knew what I was doing a few years back when I decided to lose 40 pounds. However, I have recently learned some things that have changed the way I am working out. Let me share them with you.
Did you know that doing 10 50 to 100 meter dashes will actually increase your metabolism? It’s true. While spending hours on the treadmill will burn more calories while you are working out, doing short sprints will allow you to burn more calories in your sleep. Consequently I have a lot more time to devote to other things.
Did you know that the more muscle you carry the more fat you will burn? Yes, and the best way to build this muscle is by focusing on weight lifting exercises that work multiple muscle groups rather than only one. Like a lot of people, I used to focus on single muscle groups like biceps, triceps, pectorals etc. but, after learning what I have, I’ve started doing things like the dead lift and the clean and jerk. These exercises work a multitude of muscle groups and will leave you exhausted in a short time.
Zhiyu Pu | Here’s a little secret about weight lifting exercises that I recently learned. Exercises like the bicep curl don’t do much for you in terms of burning calories because you are only using one muscle group and the range of motion is not that great. The clean and jerk on the other hand requires you to lift a weight off the ground and over your head which is a significantly greater distance and uses more muscle groups. This has the same effect as running sprints because it increases your metabolism and you will be burning more calories for days on end.
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